
You can find the full list of our references below. You can also use the filters to quickly view categories or refine your search results by entering additional keywords.

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Etsun Entegre

Bakü -Azarbaycan (2016)


Dreamland Distribution Boards

Tetisan Endüstriyel Klima Tesisleri İmalat Tic.A.Ş.

Istanbul - Turkey (2016)

Industrial air conditioning

3rd Bridge MCC Panels

Çolakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş.

Dilovası - Turkey (2016)


Port LV distribution panel

Teklas Kauçuk Tic.A.Ş.

Gebze -Turkey (2016)


Distribution Compensation and Boiler Distribution Panels

Jotun Boya

Gebze -Turkey (2016)

Dye industry

Laboratory Panels

Kroman Çelik A.Ş.



Main Distribution Board

Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş.

Turkey (2016)


MCC and Automation Panels


Turkey (2016)

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Traffic Signalling Panels

Özerşah Enerji ve Petrol Ürünleri Tic.Ltd.Şti.

Dilovası - Turkey (2016)

GEBKİM Factory Electrical Panels

Kanca El Aletleri

Turkey (2016)


TAYSAD OSB Additional Building LW Panels

Pasabahce - Posuda

Nizhni Novgorod - Russia (2015)


MarashStroy / Siemens Sentron Power Manager - WinCC - OA SCADA

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Carlsberg Prinisko WWT

Bulgaria (2015)

Waste Water Treatment

Turnkey Project

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Kipas Kagit

Turkey (2014)


Turnkey Project

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Sun InBev Ukraine - Rogan

Rogan / Ukraine (2012)

Waste Water Treatment

Turnkey Project

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Sun InBev Ukraine - Desna

Desna / Ukraine (2011-2012)

Waste Water Treatment

Turnkey Project

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Egiptian Sponge Iron&Steel Co.

Egypt (2012)

Iron&Steel Industries

Waste water treatment plant

Unilever Sanayi ve Ticaret Türk A.Ş.

Kocaeli/Turkey (2012)


Distribution board panels, Dilovası Factory

Eren Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.

Istanbul / Turkey (2012)

Power Plant

Distribution panel

CBA İnşaat

Istanbul/Turkey (2012)


Russia Marastroy KIP Project

Sinerji-M Mekanik İnşaat

Turkmenistan (2012)


Turkmenistan Project/Ministry of Finance

Enor Enerji ve Çevre Teknolojileri San.veTic.A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2012)

Pulp and paper industry

Kipas Paper Automation Sysytem

Eti Krom A.Ş.

Elazığ / Turkey (2012)

Iron&Steel Industries

Crane Panel

Sinerji-M Mekanik İnşaat

Turkmenistan (2011)


Turkmenistan Project/Tourism and Sports Facility

Troy İnşaat Enerji Sist.Ltd.Şti.

Russia (2011)


Russia LG Factory Project

SFC Entegre A.Ş.

Kastamonu/Turkey (2011)

Wood Industry

Kastamonu Kronospan Project / Turnkey

Eker Sut

Turkey (2011 / 04)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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İzmir Efes Pilsen

İzmir/Turkey (2011 / 02)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Kavşun İnşaat

Kocaeli/Turkey (2011)


Doğa College School Project/Distribution and Compansation Panels

Envirotek A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2011)

Waste water treatment

Organic Chemistry WWTP Automation System

Eczacıbaşı Karoseramik A.Ş.

Istanbul / Turkey (2011)

Ceramic Industry

Lighting Panels / Russia

Tübitak Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü

Kocaeli/Turkey (2011)


Automation Panels

İstanbul Efes Pilsen

Istanbul/Turkey (2010 / 12)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Kasra Paper WWTP

Yazd / Iran (2010 / 10)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Envirotek A.Ş.

Istanbul / Turkey (2010)

Waste water treatment

Vinprom WWTP

Envirotek A.Ş.

Istanbul / Turkey (2010)

Waste water treatment

Haribo WWTP

STFA İnşaat

Jufra - Libya (2010)

9000m3 Pumping Station

Premium& PLC, and Vijeo Citect SCADA package

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Adwan Chemical Industries Co.

Arabia (2010)

Chemical Industry

Distribution Panels

Subor Boru Fabrikası

Sakarya / Turkey (2009)


SBS & MCC Panels

Karaca Mağazaları

Turkey Genel (2009)


Distribution Panels

Kartonsan Co.

İzmit / Turkey (2002)

Waste Water Treatment

ABB Freelance 2000 DCS System

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Novartis Medicine Industries Co.

Istanbul/Turkey (2004)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7300 PLC, and Citect SCADA package

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Hayat Kağıt

İzmit / Turkey (2001)

Waste Water Treatment

Allen-Bradley SLC 500 PLC, and RSView SCADA package

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İzmit / Turkey (2002)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7300 PLC, and Citect SCADA package

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Düzce / Turkey (2004)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7300 PLC, and Citect SCADA package

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Kuwait Petroleum Coke Industries Co.

Kuwait (2007)

Waste Water Treatment

Allen-Bradley ControlLogix PLC, and RSView SCADA package

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Basrah WWT

Basrah / Iraq (2004)

Waste Water Treatment

Modicon Quantum PLC, and Citect SCADA package

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Mey İçki - Tekirdağ

Tekirdağ (2007)

Waste Water Treatment

Modicon Premium PLC, and Citect SCADA package

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Perfetti Van Melle Gıda San. ve Tic.A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2008)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC and WinCC V7.0 SCADA package

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Ankara Efes Pilsen

Ankara / Istanbul (2008)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Enpay Endustriyel Paz. ve Yatırım A.Ş.

İzmit/Turkey (2008)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Mey İçki - Nevşehir

Nevşehir / Turkey (2009)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Kastamonu Entegre Ağaç San. ve Tic. A.Ş..

Kastamonu- Turkey (2009)

Waste Water Treatment

Siemens S7 300 PLC, and WinCC SCADA package

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Prolemn S.A.

Reghin - Romania (2009)

Wood Industry

Siemens S7 400 PLC, and WinCC V7.0 SCADA package

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Enpay End.Pazarlama Yatırım A.Ş.

Kocaeli / Turkey (2008)


MCC and PLC Panels

Perfetti Van Meller

Istanbul/Turkey (2008)

Food industry

MCC and PLC Panels

Heineken Brewery-2

Russia (2009)


Distribution and Lighting Panels

Marrıott Courtyard Hotel

Istanbul/Turkey (2008)


Elevator Panels

Sofia Serdica Center

Bulgaristan (2008)


External Type Distribution and Winching Panels

İskenderun Enerji Üretim San. Ve Tic.A.Ş.

Ankara / Turkey (2008)

Power Plant

Main Distribution, Power and Lighting Panels

Vakıfbank O.S.B.

Kayseri / Turkey (2008)


Floor Panels

GEA Klima Tic.A.Ş.

Gebze / Turkey (2008)

Air conditioning

Main Distribution, Compensation, Lighting and Socket Outlet Panels

Berke Barajı Hidrolektrik Santrali

Turkey (2008)

Hydroelectric Power Plant

Distribution Panels

Mutlu Akü

Istanbul/Turkey (2008)

Automotive Industry

Socket Outlet Panels

İskenderun Demir Çelik San.A.Ş.

İskenderun / Turkey (2008)

Iron & Steel industry

Main Distribution and Lighting Panels

Kaliningrad Europa Center

Russia (2008)


SBS Panels

Efes Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi

Ankara / Turkey (2008)

Waste water treatment

MCC and PLC Panoları

Tümen Tiyatro Binası

Russia (2007)


SBS Panels

Asil Çelik San.A.Ş.

Bursa/Turkey (2007)

Automotive Industry

MCC, PLC, Operator Desk and Local Panels

Burgaz Alkollü İçecekler San.Tic.A.Ş.

Russia (2007)

Food industry

Main Distribution, Compensation and Lighting Panels

Espark AVM

Eskişehir / Turkey (2007)


Main Distribution Compensation, MCC and Sub-Distribution Panels

Borusan Mannesman Boru San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2007-....)


Distribution Panel

Koçak İlaç A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2007)

Pharmaceutical industry

MCC Panels

Boyteks Tekstil A.Ş.

Kayseri / Turkey (2007)

Textile industry

MCC Panels

Türk Telekom A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2007-....)


- 48V DC Distribution Panels

Akkim Kimya San.A.Ş.

Yalova / Turkey (2007-....)

Chemical industry

Main Distribution, Compensation and Sub-Distribution Panels

Toyota Otomotiv San.Türkiye A.Ş.

Adapazarı / Turkey (2007, 2008)

Automotive Industry

Distribution Panels

Dolce Vita Otel

Antalya / Turkey (2007)


SBS Panels

Susesi Otel

Antalya / Turkey (2007)


SBS Panels

Mey İçki

Tekirdağ / Turkey (2007,....)

Beverages industries

MCC,PLC and otomation system

Kuwait Petroleum Coke Industries Co.

Kuwait (2007)

Petroleum Industry

WWTP otomation and SCADA System

Kazakistan Büyükelçiliği

Kazakhstan (2007)


Distribution Panels

ABS Pompaları San.Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.

Istanbul/Turkey (2002,...,2007)


Pump Control Panels

Burgaz Alkollü İçecekler San.Tic.A.Ş.

Russia (2007)

Beverages industries

Main Distribution, Compensation and Lighting Panels

Rexam Paketleme Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş

Russia (2007)

Packaging Industry

Main Distribution, Compensation, Lighting and Sub-Distribution Panels


Russia (2007)

Plastic Industry

Main/Sub Distribution, Drive-MCC, PLC Panels, DCS and Lighting Panels, 11 KV Medium Voltage Panels, field instrumentation, PLC and SCADA system for the cooling system

Bilgi Üniversitesi

Istanbul/Turkey (2007)


Distribution, MCC and Sub-Distribution Panels


Russia (2007)


Main Distribution, Compensation, Lighting and Local Control Panels

Perm Alış-Veriş Merkezi

Russia (2006)


MCC & DDC Panels

Honda Türkiye A.Ş.

Gebze / Turkey (2006)

Automotive Industry

Main Distribution Panel

NEO Alış-Veriş Merkezi

Eskişehir / Turkey (2006)


MCC & PLC Panels

Anadolu Motor Üretim Ve Pazarlama A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2006)

Automotive Industry

Distribution Panels

Amylum Nişasta San.Ve Tic.A.Ş.

Adana / Turkey (2006)

Food industry

Floor Panels

Hyundai Türkiye A.Ş.

İzmit / Turkey (2006)

Automotive Industry

Distribution and Lighting Panels

Assan Aluminyum San.Ve Tic.A.Ş.

Turkey (2006-....)

Aluminium products

Main Distribution Compensation, MCC, PLC and drive panels, remote control

Hayat Kağıt A.Ş.

İzmit / Turkey (2006)

Pulp and paper industry

Automation Panels

Tetisan Ltd.Şti.

Turkey (2006-.....)

Industrial Automation

Heating / Cooling System Automation and MCC Panels

M.E.B. 41 School Project

Turkey (2006)


Main Distribution Compensation and Floor Distribution Panels

Perm AVM

Russia (2006-2007)


Sub-Distribution and Lighting Panels

Kroman Çelik San.A.Ş.

Gebze / Turkey (2006-.....)

Iron & Steel industry

Lighting and Socket Outlets Panels

STFA İnşaat A.Ş.

Libya (2006-.....)


Main Distribution and Lighting Panels, Substations, MCC, PLC and Lighting Panels, Nursery Building Power Panels

Mustafa Nevzat İlaç Fabrikası

Istanbul/Turkey (2006)

Pharmaceutical factory

MCC Panels

Pushukino Logistic

Russia (2006)


MCC+SBS Panels

Kayseri Şeker Fabrikası

Kayseri / Turkey (2006)

Food industry

MCC & PLC Panels

Arkon General Technic

Turkey (2006)

Industrial Automation

MCC & PLC Panels


Russia (2006)

Plastic Industry

Main/Sub Distribution, Drive-MCC, PLC Panels, DCS and Lighting Panels, 11 KV Medium Voltage Panels, field instrumentation, PLC and SCADA system for the cooling system

IKEA Petersburg Car Park

Russia (2006)


Distribution, Lighting and floor Panels


Kazakhstan (2006)


Distribution and Lighting Panels

Tumen Shopping Center

Russia (2005)


Main Distribution and Compensation Panels


Afyon / Turkey (2005)

Public foundation

MCC, DCS and Control Panels

Glaxo Smith Klein

Russia (2005)


Distribution Panels

Grundfos Pompa San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Kocaeli / Turkey (2005-...)


Booster Pump and Control Panels

İzmit Yakacık Dam

İzmit / Turkey (2005)

Waste water treatment

Drive Panels

Toyota A.Ş.

Adapazarı / Turkey (2005-.....)

Automotive Industry

Distribution Panels

Akmaya Pazarlama A.Ş.

Lüleburgaz / Turkey (2005)

Food industry

MCC Panels

Şişecam A.Ş.

Bulgaristan (2005)

Glass Industry

MCC and Lighting Panels

Kurtalan Çimento A.Ş.

Siirt / Turkey (2005)

Cement Industry

MCC ve I/O Panels

Nidaş A.Ş.

Kayseri / Turkey (2005)

Cement Industry

Main Distribution and Compensation Panels

Anadolu Cam Sanayi A.Ş. Pakrovsky

Russia (2005)

Glass Industry

Oven Building Distribution and Lighting Panels

Uz-Med Hastanesi

İzmit / Turkey (2005)


Main Distribution, Compensation and MCC & PLC Panels

Kışladağ Project

Uşak / Turkey (2005)

Gold Mine Project

PLC Panoları

Fernas İnşaat A.Ş.

Kars / Turkey (2005)

BTC Pipeline Project

Explosion Proof Terminal Boxes

Tekfen İnşaat A.Ş.

Adana / Turkey (2005)

BTC Pipeline Project

Explosion Proof Terminal Boxes

Eczacıbaşı Karoseramik A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2005-.....)

Ceramic Industry

Drive-MCC Panels and Control Desks

Kardemir A.Ş.

Karabük / Turkey (2005)

Iron & Steel industry

MCC Panoları

Colgate Palmolive A.Ş.

Gebze /Turkey (2004)

Chemical Industry

PLC Panoları

Kütahya Atık Su Arıtma Tesisi

Kütahya / Turkey (2004)

Waste water treatment

MCC ve PLC Panoları

Ereğli Demir Çelik A.Ş.

Ereğli / Turkey (2004-.....)

Iron & Steel industry

AC Drive Panels, Rolling Mill Operator Workstations and Local Distribution Panels


Russia (2004)

Plastic Industry

Main/Sub Distribution, Drive-MCC, PLC Panels, DCS and Lighting Panels, 11 KV Medium Voltage Panels, field instrumentation, PLC and SCADA system for the cooling system

Kazakistan İş Merkezi

Kazakhstan (2004)


Main/Sub Distribution Panels

Amerikan Hava Üssü

Taji / Iraq (2004)

Waste Water Treatment

MCC Panels and Control System

Aknişasta San.A.Ş.

Lüleburgaz / Turkey (2004-2007)

Food industry

PLC Panels

Tübitak MAM

Gebze / Turkey (2002-2004)

Main Distribution and Compensation Panels

Cortem UK

Ashington / England (2004)


Various EMU Enclosures

Phillip Morris

Russia (2004)

Tobacco Industry

Main/Sub Distribution and Lighting Panels (loading and storage Areas)

Uskom A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2004)

IT Sector

19\' Rack Cabinets and PLC Panels

Remas Redüktör Ve Makina San. A.Ş.

Turkey (2004-2007)

Machinery Industry

Gear Control Panels for various projects in Iraq Morocco, Germany,

Kayseri Şeker Fabrikası A.Ş.

Kayseri / Turkey (2004)

Food industry

Vacuum Mixer Control Panels

Kent Gıda Maddeleri San. Tic. A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2004)

Food industry

MCC Panels

Moscow City Building Center

Russia (2004)


Distribution, Lighting, MCC, UPS and DDC Panels

Tekel A.Ş.

Kilis / Turkey (2004)

Şarap Fabrikası

Distribution, Lighting and MCC Panels

Gulf Paper

Dubai / BAE (2004)

Waste Water Treatment

WWTP otomation System and MCC Panels

Paşabahçe Cam Sanayi A.Ş.

Istanbul / Turkey (2004-2007)

Glass Industry

MCC Panels

Remas Redüktör Ve Makina San. A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2003...2007)


Pump Control Panels

Yedaş A.Ş.

Basra / Iraq (2003-2004)

Water Treatment

MV / LV Panels, MCC Panels, Modicon / Quantum PLC and Citect SCADA Systems, Waste Water Treatment Plant Automation System

Paşabahçe Cam Sanayi A.Ş.

Mersin / Turkey (2003-2005)

Glass Industry

MCC Panels

Graham A.Ş.

Istanbul/Turkey (2003)

Plastic Industry

Main Distribution and Mechanical Test Panels

Enka A.Ş.

Bursa/Turkey (2003)


Natural Gas Power Plant Distribution Panels

Botaş A.Ş.

Ceyhan / Turkey (2003)

Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry

ABB Freelance DCS System 200 Redundant and instruments, Iraq-Turkey Crude Oil Pipeline Pump Stations, Supply and Installation of Automation System, Fire System Modernization

SFC Entegre A.Ş.

Kastamonu- Turkey (2003)

Wood Industry

ABB Freelance 2000 DCS Sistemi Redundant System, Integrated Wood Industry Automation

Adana İçmesuyu Tesisi

Adana / Turkey (2002)

Waste water treatment

MCC & PLC Panels

Kurtalan Çimento A.Ş.

Siirt / Turkey (2002)

Cement Industry

ABB Freelance 2000 DCS System, Clinker Cooling Automation

Kartonsan A.Ş.

İzmit / Turkey (2002)

Pulp and Paper Industry

ABB Freelance 2000 DCS System, MCC & DCS Sistem for WWTP

Nuh Çimento A.Ş.

İzmit / Turkey (2002)

Cement Industry

ABB Freelance 2000 DCS System, Automation of Coal Mill and Transportation Systems

Tepe Natilius Shopping Center

Istanbul / Turkey (2002-....)


Main Distribution Compensation, MCC and Sub-Distribution Panels

Good Year A.Ş.

İzmit / Turkey (2002)

Kauçuk Endüstrisi

Drive Panels

Aşkale Çimento A.Ş.

Erzurum / Turkey (2002)

Cement Industry

I/O Panels

Çayırova Boru San. A.Ş.

Gebze / Turkey (2001)


Main Distribution and Socket Panels

Lavson Mardon

Russia (2001)

Carton Box Industry

Distribution, MCC and BMS Panels

Amlyum Nişasta A.Ş.

Adana / Turkey (2001)

Food industry

Distribution and MCC Panels

Hayat Kağıt A.Ş.

Adapazarı / Turkey (2001)

Pulp and Paper Industry

Allen-Bradley PLC System,MCC & DCS Sistem for WWTP

Tüpraş A.Ş.

Turkey (2001)

Petrochemical Industry

Allen-Bradley PLC System, MV & LV Panels, Automatic Transfer System Automation

Kastamonu Entegre Ağaç San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Turkey (2001-2006)

Wood Industry

MCC and PLC Panels

İş Bankası Towers

Istanbul/Turkey (2001)


Automatic Transfer Panels

İzmir Demir Çelik A.Ş.

İzmir / Turkey (2000-2007)

Steel Industry

Distribution, MCC, Drive Panels and Operator Console Systems

Set Elektrik A.Ş

Russia (2000-2004)


Distribution, MCC and BMS Panels

Lever A.Ş.

Gebze/Turkey (2000-2001)

Chemical Industry

Main Distribution, Compensation and Local Control Panels

Petkim A.Ş.

Aliağa/Turkey (2000)

Petrochemical Industry

AC Drive Panels

İş Bankası Towers

Istanbul /Turkey (2000)


Floor Distribution, Energy Isolation and Billing System Panels

Sabiha Gökçen Aırport

Istanbul / Turkey (2000)


Main Distribution, Compensation, Lighting and Mechanical Systems, MCC Panels


Istanbul / Turkey (2000)


Main Distribution and Compensation Panels

Authority of Turkmenistan Waterworks

Turkmenistan (2000)

Waste water treatment

Allen-Bradley PLC,CITECT SCADA System

Bursa Doğu Waste Water Plant

Bursa/Turkey (2000)

Water treatment

Sludge Drying Plant Distribution Panels

Alp Teknik Ltd. Şti.

Turkey (1999-2003)


Gas Analysis Test Panels

Arçelik A.Ş.

Gebze/Turkey (1999)

Household equipment

19 Rack Cabinets, PC Cabinets

Mis Süt A.Ş.

İzmir /Turkey (1999)

Food industry

Distibution, MCC & PLC Panels

Tekkim A.Ş.

Romania (1998)

Food industry

Distribution Panels

Aselsan A.Ş.

Ankara / Turkey (1997-.....)

Military Industry

Automation Panels


Istanbul/Turkey (1997-.....)

Mobile Telecommunications

Telecommunication Panels


Turkey (1996-1998)

Food industry

Main Distribution and lighting panels

Dündar Elektrik A.Ş.

Turkey (1996-1998)

PLC, Lighting and Control Panels

Palmet A.Ş.

Turkey (1996-....)

PLC, Lighting and Control Panels

Control Techniques A.Ş.

Turkey (1996-......)

Drive manufacturer

Distibution, MCC & PLC Panels